Couple of Logs Analyzing Function

Heya all – here are a couple of quick functions to help analyze logs files. Coming from a ConfigMgr/SCCM background, I got used to reading a LOT of logs. Having a couple of functions like this would have greatly helped!

First – let’s see if there are warning and/or error messages in a log (or stack of logs)

function Analyze-LogContent {
    param (

        [string]$ErrorPattern = 'ERROR|Error|error',
        [string]$WarningPattern = 'WARNING|Warning|warning'

    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $LogFilePath)) {
        Write-Error "Log file does not exist at the path: $LogFilePath"

    # Reading the log file
    $logContent = Get-Content -Path $LogFilePath

    # Analyzing for errors
    $errors = $logContent | Where-Object { $_ -match $ErrorPattern }
    $warnings = $logContent | Where-Object { $_ -match $WarningPattern }

    # Output analysis
    $output = @()
    if ($errors.Count -gt 0) {
        $output += "Found $($errors.Count) errors in the log."
    } else {
        $output += "No errors found in the log."

    if ($warnings.Count -gt 0) {
        $output += "Found $($warnings.Count) warnings in the log."
    } else {
        $output += "No warnings found in the log."

    return $output

# Example usage
$logPath = "C:\Path\To\Your\LogFile.log"
$result = Analyze-LogContent -LogFilePath $logPath
$result | ForEach-Object { Write-Host $_ }

Change the patterns as necessary – ERR, for example.

The second function is pretty straight forward – summarize a log counting the number of INFO, Warning, and Error messages:

function Summarize-LogFile {
    param (

    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $LogFilePath)) {
        Write-Error "Log file does not exist at the path: $LogFilePath"

    $logContent = Get-Content -Path $LogFilePath

    $infoCount = 0
    $errorCount = 0
    $warningCount = 0

    foreach ($line in $logContent) {
        switch -Regex ($line) {
            "INFO" { $infoCount++ }
            "ERROR" { $errorCount++ }
            "WARNING" { $warningCount++ }

    $summary = @"
Log File Summary:
Info Entries: $infoCount
Error Entries: $errorCount
Warning Entries: $warningCount
Total Entries: $($logContent.Count)

    return $summary

# Example usage
$logPath = "C:\Path\To\Your\LogFile.log"
$summary = Summarize-LogFile -LogFilePath $logPath
Write-Host $summary

There ya go! I will keep adding to these, and eventually get them in Github so you all can tell me how wrong they are 🙂

Happy Coding!